Home at Last!

Mandy finally made her trek home from Sabal Palms…Thank you Lord!

12189608_10208272273230933_7165016870037511753_n 10984241_10208272273510940_3760758893084887649_n 12239558_10208278941517636_8427898873260302498_n 12241436_10208278942477660_152447916765175307_n 12234969_10208278942277655_3078446441127889772_n Sleeping like a baby!

Mandy’s New Room is Ready!

We still have some photos to add to the walls and filling is a few frames, but Mandy’s room is finally ready for her!12189980_10208241711706914_4237662160388174807_n 12196055_10208241711826917_1846977172671524888_n 12193274_10208241712026922_1420150664050945853_n

Praying for a Handicap Van

We now know for sure that we need to find a way to purchase a reliable handicap van for Mandy.  We have missed too many crucial doctor appointments due to the Medicaid transport not showing up.  We were trying to find a way to borrow funds to purchase a local Chrysler that had very low miles but the owner sold it before we could acquire funds.  We need it to be economical and dependable since we will have to rely on it for day to day transportation as well, but certainly can’t get anything new since we were blown away to see the costs are $50,000 to $65,000…I’m not kidding!  The one we missed out on was 1/4 that.

Please pray that we can come up with some kind of fundraiser to garner the funds needed!



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On Sunday August 10, 2014, Mandy had multiple episodes of back and neck pain. We thought it was muscle strain from the hard week of marching band camp, carrying around her saxophone.  Later that night though, Mandy also complained of burning sensations and started having numbness in her lower body.  We took her to the ER at LRMC however the physicians there felt there was nothing medically wrong with her.  They told us she was just having an anxiety attack and prescribed anxiety meds.  After 2 failed attempts to have her stand and walk before they could discharge her (they lifted her off gurney only to have her fall to the floor), the decision was made to send her by ambulance to St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital in Tampa during the early morning hours of Monday August 11th.


FSU Middle School Band Camp

This is just a short video clip of Mandy with her friends Kianna and Maddy from LGMS, warming up before auditions at FSU Band Camp.  They were just goofing off but sounded great!


Plans are still set for Mandy to be discharged home on Monday August 10th.  Exactly 1 year from the day she became ill.  I can’t believe a year has passed.

mandy guitar eye color

Construction on Mandy’s Room Almost Complete

The construction on Mandy’s bedroom and bathroom is almost completed!





